+855 12 686 000 (Mao Tse Toung Branch)
+855 69 599 777 (Steung Meanchey Branch )
+855 12 660 011 (Siem Reap Branch)
+855 12 400 200 (Beoung Snor Branch)
As one of the leaders in dental as well as oral care providers, we keep upgrading with the lasted facilities in accordance with highly advanced technology as much as possible and always.
We provide a more spacious and relaxing lounge yet entertaining for the whole family. Latest magazines are available for good readers as well as patient educational materials such as brochures.
We employ safety measures to ensure the delivery of best quality and safe treatment.Infection control within the whole clinic is highly controlled daily, double check weekly and triple check monthly. We use a high heat autoclave and other sterilized systems for a cross-infection control program. Water-filtered system is being used in all dental operations.
High technological Japanese and Germany dental chairs are used with the well equipped natural music to serve our patients to feel pleasantly relaxed during their the treatment time.
Piezo-surgery, dental implant, orthodontic, sinus lift set are all prepared and be always ready to use at any time. Diode Laser machine, Plasma rich fibrin condenser, bone graft, digital x-rays set, wireless light cure, illuminating dental mirror, plasma teeth whitening machine are all equipped in our practices.
Check up room, family room, single treatment room, children room, surgery room, VIP room are all set up with careful delicate design for a more productive and efficient dental care. Each of our clinic branch is fully equipped with five dental chairs which are all operating daily to give simultaneous treatments for the our patients.
High standard products are being used especially for aesthetic dentistry including all other treatments and services we provide, in order to attain the best possible results.